Jazmin Sedano

Transition and Student Success Advisor


Jazmin grew up in Los Angeles, and attended Cal Poly Humboldt earning her degree in Botany, and is now a proud Cal Poly Humboldt Alumna.

Jaz is our EOP Transition and Student Success Advisor and hopes to make a difference in the lives of EOP/SSS students by spending quality time with students in class and moving through the semester alongside them, showing them that they can capitalize on their beneficial traits and help them adopt a growth mindset not only in academia but in their personal lives as well.

When Jazmin  isn’t busy helping students,  she might be enjoying a Humboldt hike, cooking, making music, listening to a podcast or doing cartwheels! 

At the end of the day, one of the the most special things about Humboldt to Jaz is that the area has so much to offer, “From Arcata, going East will give you the summers and winters, West provides great dunes and ocean fronts, North carries the solitude of the deep woods, and South has the feeling of a busy city landscape” 

Before becoming a professional, Jazmin worked with EOP/SSS as a Fall Bridge Botany Instructional Student Assistant and as an in-house Peer Coach. In that time she learned how gratifying it is to see students come across weird plants and fungi with deeper understanding of the world that has always been around them. “Ultimately, I love when students can walk away feeling more sure of themselves and more guided through this life and what it has to offer them.” she said. 

Jazmin knows a thing or two from her experience. And when it comes to approaching your faculty, she has this tip: “Your professors are teaching the topic that they are because at some point in their life they fell in love with the content and wanted other people to know about it too. View the specifics of the subject matter as apertures into who they are as people, and it might be easier and more fascinating to digest the material.”